Alison Wiegman

Director - Communications

Alison on a canoeThroughout her career, Alison has embraced the power of a growth mindset in her professional work and her relationships with clients. She continues this mindset at Superior IRA & HSA, where she is part of a core team reimagining contemporary measures to notify clients of IRA and HSA compliance and regulatory changes. Alison is passionate about modernizing and improving the client experience at every possible level.

Alison was employed with Ascensus for 11 years before joining Superior IRA & HSA. She began answering client questions about IRA/HSA compliance, death claim processing, and tax reporting. But her greatest enjoyment as a Senior Compliance Servicing Specialist was building relationships with those clients and helping them reach an “aha” moment. After the call center, Alison wrote about IRA/HSA topics for Ascensus’ publications and education materials and reviewed IRS notices and regulations for compliance manual updates as a Copywriter. She used her frontline knowledge from the call center to enhance existing communications and improve operational and technical resources for clients when she became the company’s Business Communications Coordinator. Alison obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has also achieved the Certified IRA Services Professional (CISP) designation from the Institute of Certified Bankers.

When she’s not chasing after her young daughter, Alison enjoys catching up with family and friends and gardening with her husband; or more accurately put, reaping the benefits of her husband’s gardening and canning skills. She and her family love to explore, camp, and hike the outdoors and try to visit a National Park every summer.


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