Ryan Shearer
SVP - Sales,
Managing Partner

For the seven years prior to working for Superior IRA & HSA, Ryan consulted with more than 2,000 banks and credit unions regarding their IRA and HSA processes and offerings as a Regional Sales Director with Ascensus. Before his time at Ascensus, he established more than 500 small business 401(k) plans over a decade of service with Paychex as a licensed, registered representative. Based upon his success in working with employers on their retirement plans, Ryan was selected to join an elite group of 401k wholesalers to launch an upmarket 401k initiative that sought to expand retirement plan sales into larger employers. Ryan holds a Bachelor of Science degree from The Pennsylvania State University.
A man of many passions, Ryan lives to find new trails to shred on his mountain bike, camp, overland, hike, and engage in just about anything outdoors. One desire he is currently tackling is learning how to fly fish in a way that actually results in catching fish. When weather doesn’t allow outdoor excursions, Ryan is entertained by watching football and basketball. He loves enjoying these activities with his boys, dog, friends, and others he meets along the way.